Current Executive Education students and alumni share their academic experience, outcomes and insights. Read their stories and discover how Executive Education has made an impact on their professional and personal lives.

My Experience Going Through the EMBA Program
What has your ROI been?
I am able to make better strategic decisions, both professionally and personally. I can clearly and critically assess problems and have found the courage to make the tough calls. I now prioritize my work and can motivate the team towards a common goal.

The Transition From Surviving To Thriving
The “reshaping” process
The first semester brings the heat that softens your current form to allow for reshaping. As you progress, previous course content is skillfully woven into the curriculum, providing you with a sense of comfort while slowly building confidence.

The Academic Experience of a Lifetime
Experiences as an EMBA student
The classes expose students to many topics that you may not think about every day. I have been able to apply theories and practices from every class I have taken in this program to my job. I am very pleased with the program and the confidence it has given me.

How the Executive MBA Helped My Career
Investing in my future
At work I’ve acquired a new professional certification and been allowed to completely re-write my job description into one that fits who I am and rewards me for all the effort I’ve put in, both at work and at school. Next step – here I come!